Keeping It Right

Keeping It Right is for thought provoking conversationist. It's for those who love to talk about today's issues, yesterday's history and tomorrow's future.

Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Super Bowl Holiday?

Its a commercial extravanganza. Millions of dollars are poured into this one sports event. Millions watch it and celebrate. What is this I'm talking about? The Super Bowl...Think about it...Like the 4th of July. The Super Bowl demands "get togethers", BBQ's, Beer and the wearing of the colors. And also like the 4th of July, the Super Bowl is the ultimate time where one has the day of Super Bowl and up until the first day of NFL season to talk as much smack as he or she wants. Now like the 4th of July, not everyone is down with the Super Bowl, especially if it were your team that either failed to make the playoffs or like the Indianapolis Chokes errrr Colts failed to seal the deal. Look, do you honestly believe the Brits are gitty over our calling our shot in declaring our independence and then punking them in the Revolutionary War. Oh yeah the Super Bowl needs to be a holiday, because of the celebration and the pagentry of it all, I mean look how emotional the sport can get..In the beginning you are treated to additional motivation and extra pump by whomever is entertaining the crowd (memo to NFL, please Not Ashlee Simpson)..And then you are taken down a peg or two, when our great national anthem is song or played (memo to NFL, please not R-Kelly, some of us Americans can't "Chicago Step"). And then after the National Anthem is played we have kick off...and if your not drunk or full to the point that your going to need da pink stuff..then you have four quarters and half time to get yourself to that point. And then the finale, either you can talk smack or you'll about to receive an years worth of dogging..Don't believe me ask Raider fan. Oh the Super Bowl needs to be a holiday. Have A Great Super Bowl Day!!!