Let McGwire In...
Sports Talk:
Let McGwire In
RF23 - www.keepingitright.blogspot.com
Ahhhh!!! can you smell the distant air of spring coming upon us? Whatever! lets talk baseball, specifically the Hall of Fame. As most of you know, Mark McGwire is eligible for the Hall of Fame and media hacks and "purists" are up in arms on whether he should be allowed with their game's immortals.
Why? because he is a cheater. His homers weren't natural, they were enhanced by steroids and therefore he should not be allowed around the "immortals." I say that's all bush league and the man should be let in for what he did after these purist's game was suspended due to a strike. A strike that saw the World Series canceled and followed up with an All Star game that ended with a tie....McGwire, along with Sosa did something in 1998 that basically put baseball, in it's rightful place ahead of I dunno hockey!
I submit without the feats of these two men and other exciting players in 1998, baseball would be dying a sports spectators death like boxing. Oh! wait it is. The game is suffering lows from fans that refused to watch or attend. I for one am boycotting baseball because of these self righteous purists who refuse to see the hypocrisy and sublimal racism that another ball player is receiving for his alleged steroid use. This same player, before the alleged steroid use IS A HALL OF FAMER WITH OR WITHOUT STEROIDS, but since he refuses to "bojangle" for sports reporters and cameras and last checked is not some democratic politician hooking for votes, kissing the bee-hinds of babies, he is labeled a bad guy or a malcontent. Whatever.
I say it's pure jealousy and social justice coming to kick these purist in the asss!!!! for their games history of not including participants of different colors to play along side them. It's social justice to see the numbers put up by these same players who made no social impact on who plays with them, be demolished. And the irony of the whole thing, is that since segregation was the law of land during their playing days. Steroid use and other supplements was perfectly legal and fair in the game in which these players saved baseball with.
Sorry. Let McGwire in.
Let McGwire In
RF23 - www.keepingitright.blogspot.com
Ahhhh!!! can you smell the distant air of spring coming upon us? Whatever! lets talk baseball, specifically the Hall of Fame. As most of you know, Mark McGwire is eligible for the Hall of Fame and media hacks and "purists" are up in arms on whether he should be allowed with their game's immortals.
Why? because he is a cheater. His homers weren't natural, they were enhanced by steroids and therefore he should not be allowed around the "immortals." I say that's all bush league and the man should be let in for what he did after these purist's game was suspended due to a strike. A strike that saw the World Series canceled and followed up with an All Star game that ended with a tie....McGwire, along with Sosa did something in 1998 that basically put baseball, in it's rightful place ahead of I dunno hockey!
I submit without the feats of these two men and other exciting players in 1998, baseball would be dying a sports spectators death like boxing. Oh! wait it is. The game is suffering lows from fans that refused to watch or attend. I for one am boycotting baseball because of these self righteous purists who refuse to see the hypocrisy and sublimal racism that another ball player is receiving for his alleged steroid use. This same player, before the alleged steroid use IS A HALL OF FAMER WITH OR WITHOUT STEROIDS, but since he refuses to "bojangle" for sports reporters and cameras and last checked is not some democratic politician hooking for votes, kissing the bee-hinds of babies, he is labeled a bad guy or a malcontent. Whatever.
I say it's pure jealousy and social justice coming to kick these purist in the asss!!!! for their games history of not including participants of different colors to play along side them. It's social justice to see the numbers put up by these same players who made no social impact on who plays with them, be demolished. And the irony of the whole thing, is that since segregation was the law of land during their playing days. Steroid use and other supplements was perfectly legal and fair in the game in which these players saved baseball with.
Sorry. Let McGwire in.
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