Keeping It Right

Keeping It Right is for thought provoking conversationist. It's for those who love to talk about today's issues, yesterday's history and tomorrow's future.

Location: Texas, United States

Monday, May 15, 2006

Being Positive....

Lately on other blogs or websites I visited in the past few days. I have been getting a bunch of questions in regard to my last entry titled "What Happened To Us." I have to admit on other sites the reviews were good, but then there are some that were kinda critical. And that's okay, it least it starts some type of dialogue among us folk to discuss what really happened to us, as black men.

One of the critiques suggested that I was too negative and the writer recalled that I have never posted anything positive in regard to blacks. I argued that it wasn't true, pointing out that huge numbers of blacks owning their businesses, home ownership is up, we are attending colleges, we are starring in more Hollywood roles that don't require a pimp suit or maid outfit, and a whole abundance of accomplishments that would not have happened twenty or thirty years ago. I mean that's why I argue that affirmative action has done what it was supposed to do. We've gotten better. We can vote without fear of having some stupid grandfather test administered. I can't recall entering a building marked with "colored only" signs. Nor do I recall going to a segregated school. I believe we have some work within our own communities, that we have to straighten out and I support organizations one hundred percent who take on the task of improving the lives of those less fortunate. Some may not believe me, but whole heartedly I do.

I believe with all the accomplishments, we gained...We, as black folk can do anything for future generations to come.....

Lets continue overcoming....