Zarqawi Whacked
This morning it was announced that insurgent leader in Iraq, Al-Zarqawi has been killed. He, along with his spiritual advisor were whacked in Iraq actually yesterday. The U.S. Government having cried wolf many times before, actually hired the CSI-Las Vegas Crew to identify the Zarqawi part I and II body parts.
So now that Zarqawi is dead and with internal al-qaeda memos saying they are losing and not making an impact in Iraq and this war except for at least the democrats here in the Good Ole US of A, what next?
Well obviously we continue our good works in Iraq and ensuring that this now Saddam and Zarqawi less country get on it's feet. But is everyone happy about the timely death of this terrorist. I suspect not, take for instance Michael Berg. Mr. Berg's son Nick was over in Iraq seeking work to rebuild Iraq. Nick was nabbed, taken prisoner and beheaded. We all by now have seen the excruciating video of Nick saying his name and the names of his family, right before the Zarqawi led terrorist insurgents took a knife and commenced to sawing off the head of Nick Berg, while he screamed. Nick Berg was murdered, just like nine other innocent individuals. Berg's father was on FOX and instead of thanking the troops and expressing thanks that the man responsible for the murder of his son has been dealt justice. Michael Berg continued the left wing 2006 slogan, Bush lied my son died mantra. He said Zarqawi didn't kill his son, but Bush and Cheney did by invading a country we had no business messing with.
Well lets take his opinion and analyze it a little bit. Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq and we had no business going there, except to milk Iraq out of all its oil. I mean thats the reason the left wing says why we there right?
I mentioned Nick Berg was there for work. He wanted to help rebuild Iraq and Berg according to his short biography supported the President and the war on terrorism. Berg, himself was not in the military, so therefore went on his own dime and time. He probably knew the risk and like any good souled person, went anyway. President Bush didn't send him and for arguements sake, neither did Dick Cheney. But Berg somehow wants to pin the death of his son on the president and the war on terror, real nice.
Next, the democrats woke up to some bad news this morning. I'm sure they are mourning the death of a man, who maintained their, lets cut boot and run from Iraq high. Or, if your Jack "lets quit" Murtha and John, "our boys are war criminals" Kerry, I'm sure they didn't like the news of Zarqawi dying. Then again, they may argue that our boys committed war crimes and for the killing charges of murder should be pressed on each and every boot on the ground.
Yet, still the democrats have hope. The Iraqis still haven't completed their executive cabinents yet, which means they haven't set up their own government. And for that the Bush lied - People died mantra could continue....Oh, Oh, wait a minute...nope that has changed..Iraq completed that today also...So two down and one to go...
Land of the free BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE....
So now that Zarqawi is dead and with internal al-qaeda memos saying they are losing and not making an impact in Iraq and this war except for at least the democrats here in the Good Ole US of A, what next?
Well obviously we continue our good works in Iraq and ensuring that this now Saddam and Zarqawi less country get on it's feet. But is everyone happy about the timely death of this terrorist. I suspect not, take for instance Michael Berg. Mr. Berg's son Nick was over in Iraq seeking work to rebuild Iraq. Nick was nabbed, taken prisoner and beheaded. We all by now have seen the excruciating video of Nick saying his name and the names of his family, right before the Zarqawi led terrorist insurgents took a knife and commenced to sawing off the head of Nick Berg, while he screamed. Nick Berg was murdered, just like nine other innocent individuals. Berg's father was on FOX and instead of thanking the troops and expressing thanks that the man responsible for the murder of his son has been dealt justice. Michael Berg continued the left wing 2006 slogan, Bush lied my son died mantra. He said Zarqawi didn't kill his son, but Bush and Cheney did by invading a country we had no business messing with.
Well lets take his opinion and analyze it a little bit. Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq and we had no business going there, except to milk Iraq out of all its oil. I mean thats the reason the left wing says why we there right?
I mentioned Nick Berg was there for work. He wanted to help rebuild Iraq and Berg according to his short biography supported the President and the war on terrorism. Berg, himself was not in the military, so therefore went on his own dime and time. He probably knew the risk and like any good souled person, went anyway. President Bush didn't send him and for arguements sake, neither did Dick Cheney. But Berg somehow wants to pin the death of his son on the president and the war on terror, real nice.
Next, the democrats woke up to some bad news this morning. I'm sure they are mourning the death of a man, who maintained their, lets cut boot and run from Iraq high. Or, if your Jack "lets quit" Murtha and John, "our boys are war criminals" Kerry, I'm sure they didn't like the news of Zarqawi dying. Then again, they may argue that our boys committed war crimes and for the killing charges of murder should be pressed on each and every boot on the ground.
Yet, still the democrats have hope. The Iraqis still haven't completed their executive cabinents yet, which means they haven't set up their own government. And for that the Bush lied - People died mantra could continue....Oh, Oh, wait a minute...nope that has changed..Iraq completed that today also...So two down and one to go...
Land of the free BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE....
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