When The Levees Broke...
When Spike Lee's documentary on the floods from Hurricane Katrina was presented. We were told the heartbreaking story of many displaced families and the deaths of many of it's elderly. And as heartbreaking the stories are from 'Nawlins to Mississippi, we are not getting the documentary on what's going on in the City of Houston, TX. Houston, like the rest of country, opened up it's city borders to the many now homeless that were huddled in the Super Dome seeking relief. Now Houston is seeking relief, cause when the levees broke, and the damage to New Orleans ninth ward was washed out, it washed indiscriminately all the bad elements right to Houston. And now there is noone to film the documentary of New Orlean's bad apples that is adding to Houston's fight to control crime. Except if you still watch "Cops"
Houston Crime Woes"
Houston Crime Woes"
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