Keeping It Right

Keeping It Right is for thought provoking conversationist. It's for those who love to talk about today's issues, yesterday's history and tomorrow's future.

Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Issue: Minimium Wage
Issue: Minimium Wage

Okay Dems, since you have won the mid term elections and of course you all are believing that you won because of the issues. Well, lets discuss the issue of raising the minimium wage. Yesterday some states voted to raise the minimium wage to over $6.00 a hr., and of course the democrats were in favor and the losing side, the republicans were against. I can imagine the commercials went to the effect like demo candidate, supports raising the wage and the bush loving, war mongering republican candidate does not care about poor people and god help you if you happen to be poor and black, then you're really bent over the barrel.

So as usual, the mind set of getting employers, who happen to run small business are up the creek, without a kiss or I'll call you later. No!! now they are faced with additional cost to pay their low skilled workers more. Quick question, who came up with the number of only $6.00? Why not $20.00 a hr.? with the employer paying all the cost of health care. It's obvious democrats haven't changed their spots and still stealing elections off of sensationalism. "Hey poor man! you should'nt flip burgers for $4 or $5 dollars a hr., Nooo! my illegal alien workerrrr!!! I mean American citizen you should make a helluva lot more, so you can enjoy your career as a professional burger flipper. And to show you, our appreciation, we are going tax that additional monies and place them in our handy dandy social security system, where you might not live long enough to partake of the small amount we will pay you for flippin' those burgers...The ironic thing about that, is that most seniors take those minimium wage jobs to get by...Not no more Jose, errr!! Johnny will now take that job as a teen-ager, graduate from high school and Al Bundy his way to a lucrative burger flippin' and wrappin' expert....But hey who cares, that small businesses that employ these people go under and by the way, under this current administration, more black women have opened more small businesses than their white counterparts, they will go under because they now have to pay their workers more or!! raise the price of their merchandise...Hell we all pay, either through taxes or higher prices. Do you think the voters got that in radio or TV ads?...hell no. What they got was democratic candidate who supports higher wages for our country's poor and the republican candidate who, supports......

Wal Mart!

Supporting Sources On Why Raising the Minimium Wage Work:,1249,650198034,00.html“650 Economists Back Wage Hike,” Associated Press, October 12, 2006“Higher Minimum Wage No Longer Regarded in US as Sure-Fire Job Killer,” by Kim Chipman, Bloomberg News, August 7, 2006 (Pay close attention the study by David Card and Alan Krueger.) Nobel Laureate Gary Becker’s argument against the Card-Krueger study.“Why the Minimum Wage Law Causes Unemployment,” National Center For Policy Analysis“50 Years of Research on the Minimum Wage,”Joint Economic Committee, February 15, 1995“Professor Stiglitz and the Minimum Wage,” By Vedran Vuk, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, September 4, 2006“Raising Minimum Wage Seems Inevitable,” CNN, May 6, 1996