Keeping It Right

Keeping It Right is for thought provoking conversationist. It's for those who love to talk about today's issues, yesterday's history and tomorrow's future.

Location: Texas, United States

Thursday, April 26, 2007

RF23 Commentary: Screw It..Lets Go.

RF23 Commentary: Screw It..Lets Go

You know what, screw it. Lets pull up tent stakes, roll up sleep gear, put up the cots, clean the deuce and the half and five ton truck and boogie baby. Lets steam clean all the equipment so they can pass inspection to be brought back to the states or continue hold of our European front in what used be called West Germany. Screw it, lets get out of South Korea too, that whole stalemate thing is not good for country, I mean damn it's been going on for over fifty freaking years and we haven't gained an inch in North Korea. We're bogged down on the DMZ, and quite frankly the whole thing is a quagmire. And oh by the way, guys who served in that war, sorry, ties go to the lost. I guess it's safe to place blame on the mindset of losing wars and inpersonating the French on the Korean War Vets. They started this losing thing, the guys in Vietnam continued it and now, our guys in Iran and Afghanistan have perfected it. I'm just glad that I was part of the group that hit and run in Iraq the first time around and got a quick victory.

So lets go, lets not waste more time, wasting the lives of our brave men and women. We got to go and go now! Hell why are talking about this, our guys should have been home, yesterday.

A democratic controlled congress and senate has said, party over, we quit, we are losing, oh! wait a minute, not we. They (U.S. Military) are losing. It's time for the Iraqis and few Afghanistanis to fend for themselves. We got Saddam out, mission over, have a nice life.

Hey, to the victors go the spoils. The republicans sat on their asses last year, stabbed each other in the back, Wanna be president - but turncoat McCain was the first to draw back blood, refused to defend themselves and look what happened... So who can be upset with the democrats? They say we gotta go and go now...Then dammit, lets cut bait and bail outta there.

But, but, let me say this, I don't want to see a news report on how the new democratic government in Iraq fell to islamofascist in one short day. I don't want to hear, read or see about the loss of basic civil and human rights lost in Iraq. Hell, if anything resembles what happened in Vietnam after we cut and ran and abandoned South Vietnam. I don't want to hear it.

I don't want to hear democrats or turn coat republicans place blame on President Bush.

So the people of Iraq, sorry, but we Americans are like premature ejaculation. Once in, we gotta pull out quickly. Now excuse me, while I try to purchase a weapon to protect myself for a life that is going to be filled with terrorist attacks, by which we can't even profile the usual body of peoples that have terrorism monopolized. I work near tall buildings and take public transportation to work.