Keeping It Right

Keeping It Right is for thought provoking conversationist. It's for those who love to talk about today's issues, yesterday's history and tomorrow's future.

Location: Texas, United States

Friday, May 18, 2007

Zawahri to Black Folk: Fight For Us

Zawahri to Black Folk: Fight for us.

You know it's obvious that Zawahri is a democrat. Why did I say that? what political group or supporters of the democratic party use race-baiting as a way to get an Amen out of black folk? Democrats.
While speaking in New York to black folk, Presidential hopeful candidate Hillary Clinton said something to the effect that the both Houses on Capital Hill is being run like a plantation, and ended her diatribe by saying, "and ya'll know what I'm talking about" race baiting. And while I'm on Hilary, cause Bill won't. Just this year in Selma, AL., Clinton did her speech in a black southern drawl...race baiting.
I don't want anyone to think that I'm picking on Hillary, but what party has over ninety percent of twelve percent of the black population vote? Democrats.
Does anyone remember the James Byrd murder? Does anyone remember the commercial run by the NAACP using Byrd's daughter in regard to a hate crime bill where she said the then republican presidential hopeful Gov. George Bush non-support for the bill was like murdering her father over again. Race baiting.
What party does the NAACP support? Democrats
And it doesn't have to be a brutal murder like Byrd's. How about every major election where every white democratic favorite will raise their hand during church announcements that they are visitors. Never-mind the fact that they stand out like, well, like white people in all black church. And the one time where state and religion is brought together, the candidate will get up and call themselves talking to the whole black community by promising what every other politician before them has promised. More jobs, better schools and to fight crime and point out that their opponent is in opposition to something that black folk hold dearly...
Affirmative Action.
This kind of stuff happens every two to four years along with the media's main story for the year. A cop, a white one preferably, but a black one will do cause once he puts on his uniform, as James Evans (Good Times) once said, never-mind the complexion the uniform makes them [black officers] the same. But the media's main story of a cop either a. beating the bejesus out of a black male or b. shooting a black male. Those type of stories bring out our favorite cast and characters to protest the world reported event, let alone that the suspect fled from a scene in a car, and oh by the way, a cop was in front of him or the suspect led police in a car chase in a stolen's always because they're black and never because they broke the law.
Let me clarify this before I go further...I admit there are or were situations where the police was wrong...dead wrong...Diallo and King come to mind.
And now we have this, Al Qaeda's number two guy, Zawahri is taking notes from the democrats..It ain't good enough that he has almost every elected democrat looking to cut and run, almost all the main stream media looking to report the news in his favor and almost 60% of the country supporting a cut and run and believing in every main stream media positive report on Al Qaeda on how evil our American forces are...No!!! that's not good enough, Zawahri is now soliticiting the support of black america to support their cause. Using Malcom X, before he found out that Elijah Muhammond was, well helping the black muslim population. He also hit below the belt by showing 1950 and 60's film footage of the civil rights movement in the south being assaulted by southern democrats sheriffs departments.
Now this whole thing would be funny, if our so called black leadership would have said something, or it would be funny if our so called black leadership would have taken exception to the statement. But like the white democratic politicians in a black church. Zawahri may have gotten an amen...

Qaeda's Zawahri says Iraq bill shows U.S. defeat