A Dog is a Dog of Course of course...
You know with all the hoopla about the Michael Vick situation and the cruelty of animals charges in which he has plead guilty too. I am starting to get tired of people imposing their emotional opinions and feeling about dogs. Lets get this out, Vick owned those dogs! Did you hear me? The dogs belonged Michael Vick and they, it is his property. He bought them, he fed them and did, although illegal, what he did. He chose to use pit bulls and put them in a wooden fight ring to fight other pit bulls. And he also destroyed dogs that he deemed were not fighters. Now did he go across the street and steal someone elses dog? No!
They were his dogs!! And I'm sick and tired of dog lovers who are so appalled by the actions of Vick that they think what he did was two steps above murder. Where are we as a society where we abort thousands of fetuses across the country and yet eight to ten dogs are destroyed, it's get rope time. Where are we, where a city like Baltimore is living by it's negative nick name, Bloodymore and no one bats an eye, but a few dogs are electricuted by it's owner, he deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life.
Have we lost our sense of values? A few weeks ago, Robert McCellan, a self confessed pedaphile, was going around taking pictures of little girls and posting them on the internet. On his site, he pointed out where to see these young girls. Would like to take a guess of how many people rose up and tried to block the northern border of California to prevent this person from getting in. None. As a matter of fact, this man got more press time and interview request than lets say a missing college black woman's family got. Everybody is up in arms about some damn dogs, but a self professed pedaphile can go state to state with camera in tow and no one says a damn thing. Well until a child is harmed and that will register moderately on a pissed off scale. But Vick fights dog and destroys them...He's worse than the devil....
They were his dogs!! And I'm sick and tired of dog lovers who are so appalled by the actions of Vick that they think what he did was two steps above murder. Where are we as a society where we abort thousands of fetuses across the country and yet eight to ten dogs are destroyed, it's get rope time. Where are we, where a city like Baltimore is living by it's negative nick name, Bloodymore and no one bats an eye, but a few dogs are electricuted by it's owner, he deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life.
Have we lost our sense of values? A few weeks ago, Robert McCellan, a self confessed pedaphile, was going around taking pictures of little girls and posting them on the internet. On his site, he pointed out where to see these young girls. Would like to take a guess of how many people rose up and tried to block the northern border of California to prevent this person from getting in. None. As a matter of fact, this man got more press time and interview request than lets say a missing college black woman's family got. Everybody is up in arms about some damn dogs, but a self professed pedaphile can go state to state with camera in tow and no one says a damn thing. Well until a child is harmed and that will register moderately on a pissed off scale. But Vick fights dog and destroys them...He's worse than the devil....
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